21 octobre 2020<\/strong><\/p><\/li> Lisez-le en 6 min<\/p><\/li> Cliquez ici pour \u00e9couter<\/p><\/li>\t<\/ul>\n\t L'histoire d'aujourd'hui nous am\u00e8ne \u00e0 Melbourne, en Australie. Elizabeth, coach en transition de carri\u00e8re pour les \u00e9ducateurs et fondatrice de Entreprises Larksong<\/a>, explique comment elle est pass\u00e9e d'une carri\u00e8re professionnelle dans le secteur de l'\u00e9ducation pour soutenir d'autres enseignants dans leur parcours de transition de carri\u00e8re.<\/p>\n\t Je m'appelle Elizabeth Diacos. J'ai grandi en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud en Australie, vivant pr\u00e8s de la plage et j'adore nager dans la mer. Je suis un lecteur passionn\u00e9 et j'adore jardiner, cultiver des l\u00e9gumes et aussi des coquelicots et des capucines. Rien ne me rend plus heureux que d'\u00eatre recroquevill\u00e9 pr\u00e8s du feu avec un bon livre.<\/p>\n I’m married with 5 adult children and I now live in damp wintry Melbourne. I love to learn and am blessed\/plagued with a curious and creative mind. I began my teaching career on the same day that our youngest child began school, only to discover it was not what I had hoped for.<\/p>\n Maintenant, j'aide les enseignants \u00e0 sortir de l'enseignement et \u00e0 vivre une vie qu'ils aiment!<\/p>\n\t I began my career at age 41, the year my youngest child started school. It was dream come true: part time Prep art teacher. 160 bright, creative, curious minds to work with. I worked way above and beyond my 3 days a week but I was so excited to have a career after almost 2 decades of child-raising, I did it with joy. I was a passionate teacher.I began my teaching career loving every minute of it, and I gave it everything I\u2019d got. I spent every waking moment planning, searching for resources and creating them when I couldn\u2019t find what I needed. I was constantly on the lookout for supplies for the art rooms. In the holidays I would trawl bookshops searching for books, games and puzzles: anything that would help my students have the best experience. My family would come into school and vacuum and scrub, tune instruments, and cut out hundreds of laminated resources to help me set up the room for the year.<\/p>\t\n\t Over time, I realised I couldn\u2019t sustain it. I\u2019m an extrovert, and an optimist, but by the end of first term each year the malaise had begun to set in, and it was getting earlier each year. Sunday nights felt full of dread and on Monday mornings I was overcome with a feeling of heaviness\u2026 I just couldn\u2019t bear to put my feet on the ground and drag myself out of bed.Like many teachers I now work with, every move I made was monitored, checked and scrutinised. I had more and more tasks to do, and less and less power to do them. It was the perfect recipe for stress and demoralisation, and I knew something needed to change. I knew I needed to get out and I knew it would be better for me and for my students if it was sooner rather than later.<\/p>\t\n\t When I left Education, I left with grief, hopes dashed and effort unacknowledged. Hard work and dedication was misunderstood for grandstanding. I felt heartbroken, ashamed and so alone. It was like a “death by 1000 cuts.”I\u2019d already begun applying for jobs; dozens and dozens every year. I went to see an HR expert to fix my resume and a career counsellor, but she didn\u2019t really understand what my skills were as a teacher, and she didn\u2019t really drill down into an understanding of what I wanted my life to be like. Meanwhile I was still teaching and some of the students I worked with were showing some really challenging behaviours, and when I asked for help, I just got no support.When I took some unpaid leave, one of my leading teachers came into my classroom on my last day. I was so pleased\u2026at last, some help, encouragement and support!! \u2026but, no\u2026they just wanted to make sure I handed back my computer.<\/p>\t\n\t Alors\u2026 J'ai finalement quitt\u00e9 l'enseignement comme un animal bless\u00e9 en boitant\u2026 J'ai travaill\u00e9 avec des entra\u00eeneurs pour obtenir une vraie clart\u00e9 sur ce que je voulais de ma vie et ce que je devais faire pour commencer \u00e0 avancer. Une conversation tr\u00e8s puissante que j'ai eue a \u00e9t\u00e9 avec un entra\u00eeneur \u00e0 qui j'ai dit que j'allais faire une autre certification pour enseigner le cours que je venais de terminer. Il m'a dit, pourquoi fais-tu \u00e7a\u2026 J'ai dit \u00abEh bien, c'est le plan B, au cas o\u00f9 je ne pourrais pas \u00eatre entra\u00eeneur\u00bb. Il m'a demand\u00e9 \u00abPourquoi travaillez-vous sur le plan B?\u00bb C'\u00e9tait une question tellement puissante, \u00e7a m'a secou\u00e9! Pourquoi consacrais-je mon temps et mon \u00e9nergie \u00e0 quelque chose que je ne voulais vraiment plus faire?<\/p>\t\n\t If I had continued on that trajectory, I’d be stressed, overwhelmed, and thoroughly exhaustedI’d be overwhelmed with paperwork and using evenings, weekends and holidays to do my planning instead of spending time with my family.I would be expected to do data gathering and testing on students and constantly expected to get them to complete age-inappropriate tasks, even though I KNEW in my heart it wasn’t best practice, or in the best interests of the child, and it went against every fibre of my being to come to work and be forced to be someone other than my authentic self.<\/p>\t\n\t Now I spend my days working with teachers who want to get out of teaching. I help them uncover the desires they have for their ideal life… often they have never given serious thought to that, so it can be a really powerful, transformative conversation. I really invite teachers who are thinking about leaving to come and have a free 10 min triage call with me, because that can often be the catalyst for making that positive change in your life. And for me, what I get out of it is I get to help people co-create a positive future. And so I get to be the art teacher in a different way, which is sculpting lives instead of clay, and I love that.<\/p>\t\n\t If I can offer you any hope or encouragement it would be to create a life you don’t need to escape from: back yourself. YOU are not rooted to the spot! You can take action, you can vote with your feet. If you are keen to move on from a stressful work environment, what\u2019s your first step?Gather a dream team of supportive people around you, or work with a mentor or a coach who can see things from a broader perspective. No-one is coming to rescue you: you must take control.<\/p>\t\n\t Limitless, by Jim Kwik<\/strong>. J'ai trouv\u00e9 cela inspirant car l'auteur a des strat\u00e9gies tr\u00e8s efficaces pour apprendre \u00e0 m\u00e9moriser des informations, et aborde \u00e9galement des performances et une nutrition optimales. Rising Strong, par Bren\u00e9 Brown<\/strong>. I absolutely loved the Audiobook of this as it is read by Bren\u00e9 herself, and she has a marvellous Texan accent that just oozes humour and authenticity. She talks about being authentic and vulnerable and that if we are prepared to let our guard down, we can have a fuller, richer life. Her main premise is “Choose Courage over Comfort”. Le garde du corps<\/strong>. J'aime ce film \u00e0 cause de son intensit\u00e9 et parce qu'il montre une vie tr\u00e8s diff\u00e9rente de la mienne.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t Dance avec les loups<\/strong>. J'aime ce film pour la m\u00eame raison que The Bodyguard, et parce qu'il met en vedette Kevin Costner.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t Je me sens jolie<\/strong>. Un film \u00e9tonnamment perspicace sur une fille qui trouve confiance en elle et change la fa\u00e7on dont tout le monde autour d'elle lui r\u00e9pond. Cela vous montre vraiment que vous pouvez influencer vos propres r\u00e9sultats par votre comportement et la fa\u00e7on dont vous vous pr\u00e9sentez au monde.<\/p>\n\t Fille en feu, par Alicia Keyes<\/strong>. Je trouve cela puissant et inspirant.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t Plume, par Alan Anthony Silvestri<\/strong>. This is actually the title track from the film “Forrest Gump”. It is uplifting and peaceful and I used to play it for my junior classes when I wanted to settle them down to their work.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t Je vais survivre, par Gloria Gaynor<\/strong>. Another anthem for women everywhere to take control of their own wellbeing. I love 70’s disco music!<\/p>\n\t Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from., by Seth Godin<\/strong><\/em>. This is the quote one of my teaching colleagues sent to me while I was in a flurry of applying for new jobs. It stopped me in my tracks! Why was I applying for more jobs in the same role I wanted to leave? So, inspired by Godin\u2019s words, I began setting up a life I don\u2019t need to escape from\u2026a life of balance, creativity, autonomy and productivity.<\/p>\t\n\t Lors d'une r\u00e9cente apr\u00e8s-midi \u00e0 pied pr\u00e8s de ma crique locale, j'ai pris cette photo. L'herbe \u00e9tait encore humide, mais le monde entier semblait immobile et paisible.<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" L'histoire d'aujourd'hui nous am\u00e8ne \u00e0 Melbourne, en Australie. Elizabeth, coach en transition de carri\u00e8re pour les \u00e9ducateurs et fondatrice de Larksong, explique comment elle est pass\u00e9e d'une carri\u00e8re professionnelle dans le secteur de l'\u00e9ducation pour soutenir d'autres enseignants dans leur parcours de transition de carri\u00e8re.\u00a0<\/p>","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":13668,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[469,470],"tags":[],"yoast_head":"\n<\/h4>
RENCONTREZ ELIZABETH!<\/h2><\/li>\t<\/ul>\n\t
\n\t\t\t\tQue cherchiez-vous dans la vie?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tQu'est-ce qui vous a emp\u00each\u00e9 d'y parvenir?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tQuel a \u00e9t\u00e9 le d\u00e9clencheur du changement?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tComment \u00e9tait votre voyage? Qu'avez-vous mis en action?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tComment pensez-vous que votre vie serait maintenant si vous aviez continu\u00e9 dans la m\u00eame direction?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tComment est ta vie aujourd'hui?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tQue diriez-vous \u00e0 quelqu'un qui lit votre histoire?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tQuels sont vos 3 livres les plus inspirants?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t
<\/h4>Le jeu infini, par Simon Sinek<\/strong>. His main premise is that \u201cthe game\u201d of life\/business\/family (or whatever) is ongoing and we are players that step in and out of the game, depending on circumstances. He cites many incidences of companies and organisations that have pivoted and gone on for decades\u2026perhaps not making as much money in the short term\u2026but still in the game\u2026living to fight another day. He likens the \u201cmoney at all costs\u201d philosophy to cutting down the cherry tree so you can get all the cherries.
\n Faites-le entrer Australie<\/a>, Canada<\/a>, Royaume-Uni<\/a>, \u00c9tats Unis<\/a>, France<\/a>, Allemagne<\/a>, Italie<\/a>, Espagne<\/a>. \n<\/li><\/h4>
Faites-le entrer Australie<\/a>, Canada<\/a>, Royaume-Uni<\/a>, \u00c9tats Unis<\/a>, France<\/a>, Allemagne<\/a>, Italie<\/a>, Espagne<\/a>. <\/p><\/li><\/h4>
Faites-le entrer Australie<\/a>, Canada<\/a>, Royaume-Uni<\/a>, \u00c9tats Unis<\/a>, France<\/a>, Allemagne<\/a>, Italie<\/a>, Espagne<\/a>. <\/p><\/li>\t<\/ul>\n\t\n\t\t\t\tQuels sont vos 3 films, s\u00e9ries ou documentaires les plus inspirants?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t
\n\t\t\t\tQuelles sont vos 3 chansons pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9es?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t
\n\t\t\t\tQuelle est votre citation la plus inspirante?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tParlez-nous de votre photo pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9e!\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t