17 novembre 2020<\/strong><\/p><\/li> Lisez-le en 8 min<\/p><\/li> Cliquez ici pour \u00e9couter<\/p><\/li>\t<\/ul>\n\t L'histoire d'aujourd'hui nous am\u00e8ne au Royaume-Uni Bianca, courtier prim\u00e9 devenu Coach en leadership conscient<\/a>, partage avec nous le trouble du sommeil qui l'a presque amen\u00e9e \u00e0 l'\u00e9puisement professionnel et les mesures qu'elle a mises en place pour r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer progressivement sa productivit\u00e9 et commencer \u00e0 gagner de nombreux prix de l'industrie. Un exemple inspirant pour ceux qui pourraient avoir du mal \u00e0 dormir et se sentir fatigu\u00e9s pendant la journ\u00e9e.<\/p>\n\t Hi, I’m Bianca Riemer, 41 years old, born in Germany and I’ve been living in the UK for 21 years now, currently a Conscious Leadership Coach, after working at US investment bank Morgan Stanley for over a decade. I am very passionate helping people who feel like underdogs in their careers and turn adversity into advantage. I was the foreign girl who didn’t speak English and who failed my final professional accountancy exam, but then went on to establishing myself as the go-to expert for German real estate at US investment bank Morgan Stanley, winning numerous industry awards.<\/p>\n\t I have always wanted to achieve financial independence. Women have always been suppressed in my family, and I experienced a lot of emotional abuse in my upbringing. When I was 15 or so, my father chased me out of the house with a rifle and I cycled 10 miles without lights in the blistering winter cold to my grandparents’ house. I decided that I would never tolerate that kind of treatment from a man, and therefore it was extremely important to me to become financially independent, so that I could leave a man who mistreated me.<\/p>\t\n\t From a very young age I was too fearful at night to fall asleep. My father would come home late at night and shout abuse at us children, telling us that we were worthless. My mother was also joking that if we were naughty, she’d take us to the witches’ house who lived in the forest and who would cook us for dinner. I think this must have been the root cause for not being able to sleep at night: I was too scared that I would wake up abandoned by my parents. The trigger for the change was falling off an exercise bike at a lunch time spinning class in my 2nd or 3rd year at Morgan Stanley, who had hired me as a stock market analyst after I passed all my professional accounting exams. I had been working extremely hard and not sleeping well, and I was so exhausted that I almost fell off that bike. I went to see doctors, who told me I was okay and “just a little stressed”. I saw alternative practitioners who told me that I needed to leave my job. But it was my dream career and I didn’t want to be the girl who gave up at the first hurdle. I wanted to be the girl who showed her dad and all those men at work that women could reach financial independence. I went and read all the books and tried all therapies to help me to finally sleep well, so that I could perform well at my job.<\/p>\t\n\t Il y a eu deux enseignements principaux. Premi\u00e8rement, le moment choisi pour mes activit\u00e9s pendant la journ\u00e9e fait une \u00e9norme diff\u00e9rence dans mon sommeil. Pendant des ann\u00e9es, j'ai pass\u00e9 3 heures ou plus chaque soir \u00e0 la piscine locale, \u00e0 m'entra\u00eener pour des comp\u00e9titions de natation. Je n'ai jamais pu dormir par la suite et j'ai attribu\u00e9 cela \u00e0 ne pas \u00eatre assez fatigu\u00e9 par l'entra\u00eenement. Mais ce qui se passait r\u00e9ellement, c'est que mon corps produisait l'hormone du stress cortisol \u00e0 la suite de l'entra\u00eenement, ce qui m'a emp\u00each\u00e9 de m'endormir. Une fois que j'ai d\u00e9plac\u00e9 mon exercice vers la premi\u00e8re moiti\u00e9 de la journ\u00e9e, j'ai commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 dormir beaucoup mieux. My life would look totally different if I had continued overworking. I struggled to become pregnant for many years while I was overworking so much, and if I would have continued like that, I would probably never have had children. I think I also would never have succeeded in my career and might even have lost my partner, as I was constantly stressed and on the edge when I didn’t sleep well.<\/p>\t\n\t Today, I find it really easy to go to sleep at night, and I sleep between 8 and 9 hours per night, uninterrupted. I have decided to put myself at the top of my priority list, and I don’t think that’s selfish at all. I find that by looking after myself, I can be of so much better service to others, and that’s what life is all about: connecting with others and making a positive contribution to the lives of others. I decided to leave the corporate world, and today, I have made it my mission to help other people who feel like something is holding themselves back, and the feeling of helping others is the best.<\/p>\t\n\t Your past is by no means your future. You can re-learn any skill that you thought you might have lost, such as sleeping, for example, or learning a language, or learning to love yourself and others. It’s all a matter of letting go what no longer serves you. In my case, I had to let go of the fear to fall asleep. It may not happen over night, but with constant will and effort, it is totally doable, and the result of constantly trying is nothing short of exceptional.<\/p>\t\n\t Le grand saut, par Gay Hendricks<\/strong>. La douleur est souvent un moyen de notre subconscient de nous prot\u00e9ger du danger. Ce livre a r\u00e9pondu \u00e0 tant de questions pour moi. Faites-le entrer Australie<\/a>, Canada<\/a>, Royaume-Uni<\/a>, \u00a0\u00c9tats Unis<\/a>, France<\/a>, Allemagne<\/a>, Italie<\/a>, Espagne<\/a>.\u00a0<\/p><\/li> L'Alchimiste, par Paulo Coelho<\/strong>. Une belle histoire sur la poursuite de ses r\u00eaves et sa r\u00e9alisation. Jouer grand, par Tara Mohr<\/strong>. This book puts typical women’s thinking and behaviour into perspective and offers practical solutions to step into leadership, the feminine way. Le vrai co\u00fbt<\/strong>. Cela montre le v\u00e9ritable co\u00fbt de la mode bon march\u00e9 pour la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 mondiale et l'environnement et ce que nous pouvons faire pour y rem\u00e9dier.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t Le plus grand showman<\/strong>. Il met en \u00e9vidence les hauts et les bas de l'entrepreneuriat et donne un joli recadrage autour de ce \u00e0 quoi ressemble le vrai succ\u00e8s.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t Moana<\/strong>. Une merveilleuse histoire d'une jeune femme qui suit son c\u0153ur et fait preuve de leadership via l'empathie, l'inspiration et l'amour<\/p>\n\t C'est moi, par Kesha<\/strong>. It’s a song about being your true and authentic self and to come out of hiding. We often hide for fear of being judged and this song reminds me that we are all unique and have unique gifts to share with the world.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t Le plus grand spectacle, par Zac Efron<\/strong>. This is my family’s morning anthem. We play it at full force and everybody sings along. It’s an inspiration for us all to enjoy every moment of our life. The kids love it.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t Montrez-vous, par Idina Menzeland Evan Rachel Wood<\/strong>. This is a song from the film Frozen II. Elsa sings this song when she is looking for the mysterious force hiding in the river of wisdom, then discovering that this force is her. It gets me balling my eyes out every time. We tend to believe that the secret to life is outside of us. This song reminds us that it’s all already inside of us, we just need to re-discover it.<\/p>\n\t Car c'est en donnant que l'on re\u00e7oit, par Fran\u00e7ois d'Assise<\/strong><\/em>. I love this quote because it highlights how we are all interconnected, and how sharing our gifts with the world makes the world a much better place. I do a meditation called “Twin Hearts Meditation” every day and that quote is at the essence of it. It reminds me to start and end the day with gratitude and to step into the best version of myself so that I can make my own day better, and also that of others.<\/p>\t\n\t Cette photo a \u00e9t\u00e9 prise sur l'\u00eele hawa\u00efenne de Kauai, lors de notre voyage autour du monde avec nos fils de 2 et 4 ans. Mon partenaire et moi n'avions jamais eu de mariage et avons d\u00e9cid\u00e9 de d\u00e9penser l'argent que nous avions \u00e9conomis\u00e9 gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 un voyage avec retour au travail. Hawa\u00ef \u00e9tait juste une exp\u00e9rience incroyable. La gentillesse des habitants, leur belle danse et les paysages \u00e0 couper le souffle. C'\u00e9tait tellement humiliant de voir \u00e0 quel point les gens d'Hawa\u00ef vivent en phase avec la nature et \u00e0 quel point ils appr\u00e9cient les choses simples. Cela m'a inspir\u00e9 \u00e0 \u00e9maner cela dans ma propre vie et \u00e0 l'enseigner \u00e0 mes enfants d\u00e8s le plus jeune \u00e2ge.<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" L'histoire d'aujourd'hui nous am\u00e8ne au Royaume-Uni. Bianca, une courti\u00e8re prim\u00e9e devenue coach de confiance en carri\u00e8re, partage avec nous le trouble du sommeil qui l'a presque amen\u00e9e \u00e0 s'\u00e9puiser et les mesures qu'elle a mises en place pour r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer progressivement sa productivit\u00e9 et commencer \u00e0 gagner de nombreux prix de l'industrie. Un exemple inspirant pour ceux qui pourraient avoir du mal \u00e0 dormir et se sentir fatigu\u00e9s pendant la journ\u00e9e.<\/p>","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":14836,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[476,469],"tags":[],"yoast_head":"\n<\/h4>
RENCONTREZ BIANCA!<\/h2><\/li>\t<\/ul>\n\t
\n\t\t\t\tQue cherchiez-vous dans la vie?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tQu'est-ce qui vous a emp\u00each\u00e9 d'y parvenir?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
J'ai lutt\u00e9 contre cette insomnie du sommeil pendant des ann\u00e9es. C'\u00e9tait si mauvais que je ne dormais parfois pas une nuit enti\u00e8re avant des examens importants, et j'ai \u00e9chou\u00e9 \u00e0 mon examen final de comptabilit\u00e9 professionnelle, ce qui aurait pu me faire licencier de mon travail chez PWC \u00e0 l'\u00e9poque.<\/p>\t\n\t\n\t\t\t\tQuel a \u00e9t\u00e9 le d\u00e9clencheur du changement?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tComment \u00e9tait votre voyage? Qu'avez-vous mis en action?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
Deuxi\u00e8mement, j'ai appris \u00e0 m'aimer et \u00e0 me respecter. Une fois que j'ai pu faire cela, j'ai pu prendre des pauses r\u00e9guli\u00e8res pendant la journ\u00e9e, et je suis donc devenu beaucoup plus productif.
En raison de ma meilleure qualit\u00e9 de sommeil et de ma productivit\u00e9 au travail, j'ai \u00e9t\u00e9 promu et j'ai remport\u00e9 de nombreux prix de l'industrie, dont 3 Starmine Analyst Awards.<\/p>\t\n\t\n\t\t\t\tComment pensez-vous que votre vie serait maintenant si vous aviez continu\u00e9 dans la m\u00eame direction?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tComment est ta vie aujourd'hui?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tQue diriez-vous \u00e0 quelqu'un qui lit votre histoire?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tQuels sont vos 3 livres les plus inspirants?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t
\u00a0Faites-le entrer Australie<\/a>, Canada<\/a>, Royaume-Uni<\/a>, \u00a0\u00c9tats Unis<\/a>, France<\/a>, Allemagne<\/a>, Italie<\/a>, Espagne<\/a>.\u00a0<\/p><\/li><\/h4>
\u00a0Faites-le entrer Australie<\/a>, Canada<\/a>, Royaume-Uni<\/a>, \u00a0\u00c9tats Unis<\/a>, France<\/a>, Allemagne<\/a>, Italie<\/a>, Espagne<\/a>.\u00a0<\/p><\/li>\t<\/ul>\n\t\n\t\t\t\tQuels sont vos 3 films, s\u00e9ries ou documentaires les plus inspirants?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t
\n\t\t\t\tQuelles sont vos 3 chansons pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9es?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t
\n\t\t\t\tQuelle est votre citation la plus inspirante?\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\tParlez-nous de votre photo pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9e!\n\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t