• 1. März 2020

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If we leave aside the positive impacts on health and environment, we can classify the daily benefits of a Meaningful Smart Home into four categories (namely, the 4Cs of the Meaningful Smart Home): Convenience, Comfort, Control and Costs.

  • What is Convenience?

    Convenience refers to the possibility of proceeding with something without facing difficulties. Higher convenience means a higher sense of fulfilment

    Through automation, the number of interactions between humans and the home decrease, resulting in a more relaxed life for the home occupants and more free time. 

    The amount of time saved depend on the size of the house and the efficiency of the occupants. Still, we encourage you to do your calculations: get your yearly time savings by identifying those activities that do not add value to your life and multiplying them by the time they require. Some examples of non-added value activities are: 

    - When arriving or leaving home: opening or closing the door, turning on or off the lights, deactivating or activating the alarm, turning on or off the heating, turning on or off devices like the TV, and raising or lowering the blinds. 

    - While at home: standing up to turn on/off the lights, adjusting the thermostat and checking if we closed the home door or windows. 

    As an indication, 57% of Americans say that having smart products in their house save them about 30 minutes a day, which is roughly a week and a half over the year1

  • What is Comfort?

    Comfort refers to that sense of physical and psychological ease, the consequence of acoustic, thermal and visual environmental conditions

    It is relevant considering that you inhale more than half of the air you breathe in your lifetime at home2. It is estimated that 92% of people worldwide do not breathe safe air3

    In a Meaningful Smart Home, the smart devices use climate and habitat circumstances to automatically self-adjust and meet optimal living ambience. 

  • What is Control?

    Control refers to the capacity of obtaining the desired outcome, knowing the capability of influencing and supervisingthe process whenever it is desired. High perceived control is translated into the peace of mind and associated with better health. 

    By using available instant communication between you and your home, the security and safety levels will be higher than ever before. 

  • What are Costs?

    Costs are represented by the operating utility charges on one side (like water, gas and electricity) and the maintenance & repair expenses on the other. 

    Through smart home devices, you will be able to optimise your heating and cooling, decrease electricity consumption by turning off power when not in use or prevent water waste, among others. 

    On the other side, adopting smart home technologies will increase your home value and so the amount of money your house is worth it. 

    As an indication, 45% of Americans save an average of $98,30 per month. That's $1.179,60 per year4 and 81% of buyers say they'd instead buy a home with smart home products installed5


1,4,5 Safeatlast. 2018. How Smart Homes Take Over The World (Infographic). Accessed April 2019. <https://www.safeatlast.co/blog/smart-homes-infographic/>.

2 Sundell, J. On the history of indoor air quality and health. International Center for Indoor Environment and Energy, Technical University of Denmark. 2014.  <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15330772>.

3 World Health Organization, Public Health, environmental and social determinants of health. Accessed April 2019. <https://www.who.int/sustainable-development/news-events/breath-life/safe-air.jpg?ua=1>.

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