• 13 aprile 2020

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To create a Meaningful Smart Home, we propose you five main steps: check your internet plan, choose a smart home ecosystem, identify your needs, realise how the satisfaction of needs impacts the well-being, intervene with the smart devices that affect your daily life.

  • Check your internet plan.

    Although smart devices do not generally affect Wi-Fi speed, we advise you to make use of high-speed internet, especially if you plan to adopt security systems that will stream video content out of your home. 

    When revising your plan, you may realise that you have been paying too much for slow internet. If so, get another plan that brings you more speed for less money. 

    Once you have a high-speed internet contract, make sure to place the router in a ventilated location free of any possible interferences. Only if you live in a large home, approximately spread more than 45m, and you still have not it, you may consider getting a Wi-Fi extender, or if your budget allows it, getting a mesh network

  • Choose a smart home ecosystem.

    Although it is not irreversible, this is an important decision to do when creating your Meaningful Smart Home. Choosing a smart home ecosystem means defining the platform that you are going to use to communicate with your home, your family and the external world. This selection will enable your devices to communicate with each other and to simplify the management of your home. 

  • Identify your needs.

    In a moment in which we are bombarded with tonnes of proposals and offers, it is crucial to be selective about the products and services that we purchase. 

    Our proposal is one: stay focused on your needs. Identify the areas of daily life that you would like to improve and focus on them. 

    By focusing on your needs, you are unconsciously connecting with your health values, and this will bring you much more satisfaction than spending time and money on unnecessary products. 

    At Smart Home Need we support you identifying the needs with a higher impact on well-being. Check our Ha bisogno di guida to find yours. 

  • Realise how the satisfaction of needs impact well-being.

    At this step, the goal is to become aware of how the satisfaction of your needs impacts your physical, mental and social well-being

    Learn from our Ha bisogno di guida, for example, how sleep deprivation can impact your health. 

  • Intervene with the smart devices that impact your daily life.

    Once you have realised the impact that the satisfaction of needs has on your well-being, you are ready to focus on le determinanti del benessere

    The determinants of well-being are the areas in which you can intervene to satisfy your needs. Focus on the ones that you want to improve and find for these, the smart devices that better suit your budget. 

    Take a look at our Ha bisogno di guida to discover, for instance, which smart devices but also which habits can support you to improve your sleep. 

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